Hotel Mira Dorlas Palmas

Hotel Mira Dorlas Palmas

Save Yemen From Being Wiped Off The Map

Yemen is currently in the middle of a crisis for humanitarian reasons. The worst cholera outbreak worldwide has claimed the lives of thousands and left tens of millions more sick. In the meantime, hunger strikes continue throughout Yemen as citizens protest oppression by government troops. They are accused of using unrestrained bombing campaigns to eliminate the areas of rebels without considering civilians or infrastructure areas.

Yemen has 16 million people who are constantly hungry. The system of health care in Yemen is essentially broken down due to seven years of war. Because there is nowhere else to turn except for their own homes, the COVID19 sufferers are dying because they aren’t sure where to turn.

The country’s declining conditions provide the perfect conditions to facilitate HIV transmission. There are 4 million who have no place to call home, and they can’t even feed their bodies since food prices are constantly rising while wages remain low- and not enough money is put into the basic necessities like health care or drinking water that is clean! This is why it’s going to be difficult to contain this pandemic without assistance from the outside. We must, however, to act quickly before it’s too to late.

The Yemenite people are fighting the spread of Cholera for quite some time until now, however they are not fully out-of danger just now. With support from international organizations like World Vision UK and Save The Children US along with COVID -19 being in place it appears that there may finally be something to look forward to in the near future.

How can you help Yemeni people by donating money to Welfare Trusts

These welfare trusts are able to provide food and water to millions in an era of immense suffering. They also offer COVID-19 hygiene kits to in avoiding infection by this virus that has killed numerous people in Yemen already.

In recent years, Welfare trusts have been working tirelessly in Yemen to assist those who are the most vulnerable. They offer aid to the most in need, regardless of conflicts or difficulties getting there. This is why they are important for international organizations.

In an era when millions of people struggle to survive We’re happy that there is help available to those in need. We hope that by working with local organizations and helping people get cash and food will help people get through the cycle of food insecurity.

Numerous generous donors have donated their time and money to offer women in Yemen a new lease on life. A welfare trust, maternity hospitals are aided by generous donations so that women are able to safely give birth without putting themselves at risk of the risk of dehydration during labor. Rehabilitation centers provide post-birth treatment that includes providing medication if required as well as psychological support prior to mothers returning into society again.

As a response to COVID-19 many welfare trusts are now offering hygiene kits to families who live in camps and providing safe drinking water so that it can be used by public institutions like schools and hospitals.

For more information, click donate to yemen

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